Friday, December 26, 2008

On the Road Again

Today we are on the road again and our schedule has us travelling from Echuca to West Wyalong.

We were pulled over by the police at Deneliquin and they had a lot of questions - none of which related to their police duties. They were interested in how much fuel the car chewed through and how the registration process worked for a car like ours. Oh, they did ask Robert to blow in the breathalyser and to check his licence but really that was only an afterthought!
After Denni there is a whole lot of very wide open spaces to drive through. The surrounding farm land is very flat.

Flat and hot!

Hot! Hot! Hot and it just kept getting hotter - at 5pm at West Wyalong it was 36C. The car didn't seem to have a problem with the heat at all and we made it to West Wyalong by early afternoon.

old homestead

more wide open spaces!

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